Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good Read/Life Stuff

Last night I finally finished reading Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' memoir: My Grandfather's Son. I ended my previous nights reading a little early, so I could enjoy the last chapter of the book in one sitting. It left me in tears. This book chronicled Justice Thomas' life from birth in the Deep South living in horrific poverty - all the way to supreme court. I barely remember his confirmation hearings being televised, and that entirely awful Anita Hill thing. But now that I've read his story, his mind, his heart...I am so moved. To hear of racism and prejudice from a true victim's point of has completely changed my view of blacks in America. I've never been one to show prejudice based on color. I even went out with a black man once. But I must admit I've never really understood why they felt so victimized. Now I do. I see how the master/slave mentality has been a difficult one to overcome. I see how the government, in an effort to help, has actually made the problem worse by free handouts. But I also see how change can happen - when given a chance, and shown how to work hard. Lots to think about as I process this great book. I encourage you to read it!

Now for a totally different subject: in Bible Study today we spent a good 20 minutes in prayer. Normally, that would have been our small group time, but our leader felt strongly that we should all pray. We were given a list of names/characteristics of Christ, and asked to choose one and pray it aloud. It was a deeply moving time of worship. So many of the women in there are just broken, wounded, hurting, going through incredibly difficult trials. It makes me wonder about the people around me...who is really okay, and who is pretending, or who is deeply hurting but doesn't feel safe sharing?

I want to be the kind of friend who is a soft place to fall. A safe place to be vulnerable. A place to rest. I want Jesus to love through me, however He wants to.

Those are the thoughts of my heart today. :-)


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Those are good thoughts. I have that thought often ... wondering who's hiding what. So many people are in pain and seem to be going through the motions of life without anyone knowing. You are a safe place for so many that know you.

Amy said...

"I want to be the kind of friend who is a soft place to fall. A safe place to be vulnerable. A place to rest. I want Jesus to love through me, however He wants to."

To me, you are! Thank you!

Amanda said...

Beautiful thoughts, Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing, thank your for your vulnerability, thank you for your availability. Don't be surprised to find me on your doorstep someday.