Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Amazing Husband

We are back from our wonderful trip. Lots of memories and pictures to share...but my husband has the all important USB cable with him in Australia right now. :-) So I will share more later.

But I did have to share this: Scott sent Emma and I flowers today for Valentines Day! They are so lovely; carnations, roses and daisies. He is so, so precious to remember me even from so far away. It just so deeply touches me. I love him!

This traveling thing is hard. I miss him. I miss his companionship. He truly is my very best friend.

I'll take pictures of the flowers, but I can't share them until the weekend...when he comes home with the cable.


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

What a sweet husband! You need to invest in another cable if he's going to continue to travel. :)

Emily said...

The flowers wer so thoughtful, you have a good hubby! I feel your pain on the missing cable. My sweet little princess has hidden ours (probably in the trash) and I have a lot of pics I am really wanting to download.