Thursday, February 14, 2008

Whole Hearted Mommy

Tomorrow and Saturday I am going to attend a Whole Hearted Mom Conference by Sally Clarkson. If you've never read any of her books, you should definitely check them out...very inspiring! My sweet friend, Amy, and I have been looking forward to this for a while. I so wanted to go with her last year, but it didn't work out. And this year it seems has been a struggle to actually get there, but God's got my back! :-) With Scott gone, my being sick all week and now sick kids, babysitter conflicts, and what had been the threat of ice...I was about to give up! Now all is well and I can just look forward to resting, fellowshipping with a dear friend, and gaining some godly insight into raising my babies.

Amy, I'm looking forward to our girlfriend time together! I'll bring the DDP and you bring the chocolate! :-)

And did I mention that Saturday night my precious hubby comes home? Can I get an AMEN?


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Can't wait to hear about the conference!

In His Grip said...

Happy for your girl time. Have fun.

Amy said...

Okey Dokey. See you there.

One Busy Mom said... response to your comment on my blog....I'm telling the truth. Tap is hard! But it does something for the intertube around my waist that I seem to enjoy.



One Busy Mom said...

How did the conference go????
