On this cold, fall evening, my husband is in bed with the flu; my dogs are on the floor near my feet; and the kids are finishing up dinner and then headed to the bedtime routine. So what better thing to do than answer Amanda's one word challenge.
You can do it too! Just let me know so I can see your answers.
Where is your mobile phone? purse
Your hair color? auburn
Your mother? toothless
Your father? servant
Your favourite thing? peace
Your dream last night? theft
Your dream goal? travel
The room you're in? kitchen
Your hobby (hobbies)? scrapbooking
Your fear? alone
Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthier
Where were you last night? home
What you're not? dishonest
One of your wish-list items? kitchen-aide
Where you grew up? Tejas
The last thing you did? ate
What are you wearing? pj's
Your TV? constant
Your pet? sleeping
Your computer? desktop
Your mood? restless
Missing someone? Teresa
Your car? van
Something you're not wearing? rings
Favorite shop? Williams-Sonoma
Your summer? hot
Love someone? deeply
Your favourite colour? pink
When was the last time you laughed? recently
When was the last time you cried? forget
Peace Out! :-)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Smashing Pumpkins
Or carving, rather.... When Scott called to tell us he would be gone for two more weeks, I was able to take a deep breath and not cry. That is, until Sam reminded me we needed to buy pumpkins and carve them. Then I lost it. I'm not kidding either. :-) It had always been a Daddy job, and I was the one who took pictures. So, in an effort to continue the tradition, the kids and I carved pumpkins tonight. It was interesting to say the least.
Emma insisted on playing with the pumpkin guts before putting them into the bowl. She said she was making pancakes. Yeah, okay.
Emma feasting on raw pumpkin. She will eat just about anything!
A partially cleaned out shell.
And the finished product. Not so bad I guess. Sam and Emma drew faces on their pumpkins, and I tried to cut according to their designs. Ian wanted something different. I remember seeing a picture in a Martha magazine and tried to emulate it. We used an apple corer and poked holes in Ian's pumpkin. Voila!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
He Will Supply
This song has rocked my world today. In case you need to listen to this song too, I'm including the lyrics. I especially love the line about God promising to supply my need, not my greed. More later.
Though your vessel be empty
He will supply
For His yoke is easy
He will supply
He will supply
He will supply
OH Jesus said that He will supply
Though your dreams feel like memories
He will supply
And some relationships are now empty
He will supply
He will supply
He will supply
OH Jesus said that he will supply
So my friend don't you worry
He will supply
This is just temporary
He will supply
He will supply
He will supply
OH Jesus
OH Jesus
My Jesus
Sweet Jesus
Yes Jesus
OH Jesus said that He will supply
Oh supply [x6]
He said He will [x2]
I know He will [x2]
He told me He will [x2]
He said He will [x2]
He will supply
For His yoke is easy
He will supply
He will supply
He will supply
OH Jesus said that He will supply
Though your dreams feel like memories
He will supply
And some relationships are now empty
He will supply
He will supply
He will supply
OH Jesus said that he will supply
So my friend don't you worry
He will supply
This is just temporary
He will supply
He will supply
He will supply
OH Jesus
OH Jesus
My Jesus
Sweet Jesus
Yes Jesus
OH Jesus said that He will supply
Oh supply [x6]
He said He will [x2]
I know He will [x2]
He told me He will [x2]
He said He will [x2]
Friday, September 12, 2008
Addison Barret Nicole

20 years ago, a beautiful baby was born. She had the biggest eyes that seemed to take in your soul when she looked at you. When I sang to her, she would turn her head and look at me like she'd heard that voice before. For the few days I was with her in the hospital, she rarely cried, and sweetly tolerated my attempts to feed her, change her diaper, and dress her in new outfits. She had this tiny stork bite on her forhead that would darken if she was feeling upset. And even as I held her that last day in the hospital, crying tears all over her, she was calm, peacefully looking up at me as if to say..."I'm going to be okay; I know you love me; it's alright to let me go."
My precious birthdaughter, Addison, turned 20 this week. I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. I've only known her for about 6 and 1/2 years, but during that short time she has grown and flourished into this beautiful young woman. In honor of her birthday, I'm going to list:
1. Her sense of style. This is one of the first things I noticed about Addi as I studied the picture I received of her prior to ever meeting. She knows what she likes, cares little about fads, and knows how to put it all together. Care to help me out there sistah?
2. Her gorgeous smile. Even when she had braces, it was big and beautiful.
3. Her heart for God. Wow, this one is huge. She loves God so much, and still clings to Him even in the most trying times. I love that she is honest about her struggles in faith, but never lets go of God's hand. Keep pressing on girl.
4. Her fingers. :-) I love her long slender fingers and soft hands. She did not get these things from me; I long for them. Her nails are naturally beautiful.
5. Her loyalty to her family. She loves them so deeply and will stand with them through anything. It's a tight bond that I hope my children will have with me when they are 20.
6. Her love for all things Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Yes, she loves Jane Austen as much (well, almost as much) as I do. She even named one of her cars Mr. Darcy. Yes, that's true devotion.
7. Her determination to complete college. People, I never even made it to my junior year! I'm so proud that she strives to make good grades, and even when it's been tough at school, she's hanging tough.
8. Her honesty. She's not afraid to look you in the eye and tell you what she thinks. Sometimes in a loving way, sometimes just straight up. This is a new character strength in Addi's life - it's been amazing to watch it grow from her heart.
9. Her love of swishy skirts. She's a romantic. She wants to live in Paris and open a coffee shop. She just bought a classic bicycle that's begging for a basket on the front and a bell on the handle. She loves chick flicks. And of course, Mr. Darcy.
10. Her strength. I don't know many 19/almost 20 year olds who would remain awake during a heart procedure. She faced fear dead on, and clung to God. That was incredible.

11. Her heart for the lost. Addi has a deep burden for those who don't know Jesus. She has members of her family and her birth family that are lost, and it breaks her heart. She is boldly developing relationships with some of them, praying and hoping to share Jesus' love with them.
12. Her relationship with her brother. They are so tight. She constantly looks out for him, encourages him, teases him, but KNOWS him. Even though he's much younger than her, their relationship is so sweet.
13. Her writing. Addi can express her heart so beautifully when she writes. Sometimes witty or silly, sometimes quite deep and moving. I love it all.
14. Her love for my mom. There's a connection there that I can't quite explain or understand. They see each other rarely, and talk just a bit more. But they love each other and it blesses me.
15. Her hair - it's HOT! :-) Seriously, it's thick with a slight natural curl to it. So stinking gorgeous and so NOT me!
16. Her love of all things Hilary Duff. HA! Not really, but she was so sweet to me as a young teen, to tolerate my desire to know all things Hilary. I figured Addi was a good excuse to go see every stinking movie she ever made. heh heh. So maybe this one should really be about how sweet you were to me during those silly days of duff. :-)
17. Her comfort items. Once, on her blog, Addi posted a picture of the things that really got her through the day; the things she couldn't live without. They were her iPod, cellphone, journal, Beth Moore bible study and her Bible. That says so much about her heart.
18. Her purity. She is commited to remaining morally pure until her wedding day. To Addi, that means not even kissing. That is incredible and so honorable. You go girl.
19. Her hip hop ways. Ah yeah. She keeps me in the know of everything ghetto. She knows the talk, the walk, and all the signs to go with it. Word.
20. Her openness to me. I am, undoubtedly, a very blessed birthmom. I know of no other birthmom who has such a sweet relationship with her birthchild. And it's because of Addi. She has come to me with open arms and an open heart - sharing a tender friendship with me that I hold so dear.
Addison, I love you so much. I pray this next year of life for you is filled with huge moments with God, adventure, good health, and good times. You are precious, and such a gift. I adore you!
2. Her gorgeous smile. Even when she had braces, it was big and beautiful.
3. Her heart for God. Wow, this one is huge. She loves God so much, and still clings to Him even in the most trying times. I love that she is honest about her struggles in faith, but never lets go of God's hand. Keep pressing on girl.
4. Her fingers. :-) I love her long slender fingers and soft hands. She did not get these things from me; I long for them. Her nails are naturally beautiful.
5. Her loyalty to her family. She loves them so deeply and will stand with them through anything. It's a tight bond that I hope my children will have with me when they are 20.
6. Her love for all things Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet. Yes, she loves Jane Austen as much (well, almost as much) as I do. She even named one of her cars Mr. Darcy. Yes, that's true devotion.
7. Her determination to complete college. People, I never even made it to my junior year! I'm so proud that she strives to make good grades, and even when it's been tough at school, she's hanging tough.
8. Her honesty. She's not afraid to look you in the eye and tell you what she thinks. Sometimes in a loving way, sometimes just straight up. This is a new character strength in Addi's life - it's been amazing to watch it grow from her heart.
9. Her love of swishy skirts. She's a romantic. She wants to live in Paris and open a coffee shop. She just bought a classic bicycle that's begging for a basket on the front and a bell on the handle. She loves chick flicks. And of course, Mr. Darcy.
10. Her strength. I don't know many 19/almost 20 year olds who would remain awake during a heart procedure. She faced fear dead on, and clung to God. That was incredible.

11. Her heart for the lost. Addi has a deep burden for those who don't know Jesus. She has members of her family and her birth family that are lost, and it breaks her heart. She is boldly developing relationships with some of them, praying and hoping to share Jesus' love with them.
12. Her relationship with her brother. They are so tight. She constantly looks out for him, encourages him, teases him, but KNOWS him. Even though he's much younger than her, their relationship is so sweet.
13. Her writing. Addi can express her heart so beautifully when she writes. Sometimes witty or silly, sometimes quite deep and moving. I love it all.
14. Her love for my mom. There's a connection there that I can't quite explain or understand. They see each other rarely, and talk just a bit more. But they love each other and it blesses me.
15. Her hair - it's HOT! :-) Seriously, it's thick with a slight natural curl to it. So stinking gorgeous and so NOT me!
16. Her love of all things Hilary Duff. HA! Not really, but she was so sweet to me as a young teen, to tolerate my desire to know all things Hilary. I figured Addi was a good excuse to go see every stinking movie she ever made. heh heh. So maybe this one should really be about how sweet you were to me during those silly days of duff. :-)
17. Her comfort items. Once, on her blog, Addi posted a picture of the things that really got her through the day; the things she couldn't live without. They were her iPod, cellphone, journal, Beth Moore bible study and her Bible. That says so much about her heart.
18. Her purity. She is commited to remaining morally pure until her wedding day. To Addi, that means not even kissing. That is incredible and so honorable. You go girl.
19. Her hip hop ways. Ah yeah. She keeps me in the know of everything ghetto. She knows the talk, the walk, and all the signs to go with it. Word.
20. Her openness to me. I am, undoubtedly, a very blessed birthmom. I know of no other birthmom who has such a sweet relationship with her birthchild. And it's because of Addi. She has come to me with open arms and an open heart - sharing a tender friendship with me that I hold so dear.
Addison, I love you so much. I pray this next year of life for you is filled with huge moments with God, adventure, good health, and good times. You are precious, and such a gift. I adore you!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I read this on a blog tonight and wow did it hit me. I've heard people talk about lip service before, but don't recall reading it straight out like this:
"You have planted them, and they have taken root; they grow and bear fruit. You are always on their lips but far from their hearts." Jeremiah 12:2
Yeah, okay. I joined a new bible study today - CBS (Community Bible Study). It's a bit like BSF, but more laid back. There are several ladies from VCC there; none that I know too well, but I know them. We are studying Proverbs and the wisdom of Solomon. I am praying for true heart engagement this year, not just lip service. One of my biggest fears is that I will continue to struggle with the same sin issues over and over, and never know victory in my life. I can't help but hope that a heart truly His, given over to His leadership and wisdom, will truly know victory in every sense of the idea. Pray that for me, will you?
P.S. A birthday post for precious Addison is coming tomorrow! I promise! :-)
"You have planted them, and they have taken root; they grow and bear fruit. You are always on their lips but far from their hearts." Jeremiah 12:2
Yeah, okay. I joined a new bible study today - CBS (Community Bible Study). It's a bit like BSF, but more laid back. There are several ladies from VCC there; none that I know too well, but I know them. We are studying Proverbs and the wisdom of Solomon. I am praying for true heart engagement this year, not just lip service. One of my biggest fears is that I will continue to struggle with the same sin issues over and over, and never know victory in my life. I can't help but hope that a heart truly His, given over to His leadership and wisdom, will truly know victory in every sense of the idea. Pray that for me, will you?
P.S. A birthday post for precious Addison is coming tomorrow! I promise! :-)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A Random Tag
i am: procrastinating
i think: I might watch a girly movie, since Scott's away
i know: that Jesus loves me
i want: for Scott to return from China
i have: a case of insomnia lately
i wish: that I were a perfect mommy
i hate: that I don't exercise
i miss: my best girlfriend - Teresa
i fear: never changing, always dealing with the same sin issues over and over
i feel: thoughtful
i hear: my children winding down for the night
i smell: the air from the air conditioner - it's cold air and yes, it smells
i crave: solitude
i search: for old friends on facebook - ha!
i wonder: who my children will become
i regret: being stubborn with the Lord, knowing that when I do submit - peace comes
i love: thunderstorms and jane austen novels
i ache: for my brother and family to know Jesus
i care: that my children will know Jesus
i always: drink Diet DP - AMEN?
i am not: going to bed anytime soon
i believe: tomorrow will be a productive day
i dance: like Elaine on Seinfeld heh heh
i sing: constantly
i don't always: hold my tongue
i fight: submission
i write: expressively; I feel I communicate better on paper
i win: rarely ever
i lose: my keys, my debit card, my cell phone all the stinkin' time!
i never: graduated college.... :-(
i confuse: my husband
i listen: to my friends with heart felt emotion
i can usually be found: with my children and a Diet DP in hand, most likely from Sonic
i am scared: that my husband will die in a plane crash; he travels so much
i need: some serious time at a spa
i am happy about: the prospect of a productive week, and my husband coming home next weekend!
I tag: all my friend who are reading this. Leave a comment and let me know you're going to participate. Enjoy!
i think
i know:
i want:
i have:
i wish:
i hate:
i miss:
i fear:
i feel:
i hear:
i smell
i crave
i searc
i wonde
i regre
i love:
i ache:
i care:
i alway
i am not: going to bed anytime soon
i belie
i dance
i sing:
i don'
i fight
i write
i win: rarely ever
i lose:
i never
i confu
i liste
i can usual
i am scare
i need:
i am happy
I tag: all my friend who are reading this. Leave a comment and let me know you're going to participate. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Emma Turns Four!
My baby girl turned four this past week. We have had such fun celebrating her, Ian and Scott over the past weeks. It's a month long party at our house this time each year! And for the next few months, my babies will be 6, 5 and 4 years old; it helps justify the craziness that is my family when I think of their ages being so close. :-)
We started the celebration off last Friday with a combined birthday party for Ian and Emma at Chuck E. Cheese's. Most likely this will be the last year I can do that - I'm sure Ian will want an "all boy" party next year. They invited a few of their closest friends from church and The Cube, and had lots of fun! Emma wanted a princess cake, and Ian wanted a Lightning McQueen cake, and Tom Thumb did a fabulous job making it happen.
On Sunday, Mimi (my mom) and I took Emma to the American Girl Botique and Bistro for a celebration. Emma had been looking forward to this outing more than any other part of her birthday. The boys (including daddy) were SO tired of hearing Emma talk about going to the "dolly store!" The AG Bistro does such a fabulous job of putting together a girly lunch. The sandwiches and fruits are cut in fun shapes, the birthday cake was amazing, and even Bitty Baby gets her own menu. Emma felt loved and adored!
Finally, on Emma' s actual birth day (Tuesday) we had a celebration here at home. The traditional birthday muffin, along with gifts galore. The boys got her ponies (what is it with girls and their ponies?), and we got her a "rock star" outfit with microphone. This is what she really wanted! She immediately dressed up and gave us a concert - so precious!
That night as I put her to bed, I asked Emma, "So how does it feel to be four years old?" She replied in her ever dramatic way, "Mom, it's like, just SO AWESOME! I mean, I feel like a rock star!" Sweet girl, dream away! What a blessing she is to our family!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sam's First Day of 1st Grade!
My baby boy started 1st grade on Monday. I am still in shock! The night before, he laid out his carefully chosen clothes, brushed his teeth, and allowed this mommy some snuggle time before sleep. I have some of my best conversations with Sam just before he sleeps - he's quite open and reveals much of his heart. That night, he reminded me that he would miss me all day, and that he wanted me to pray for him. He said he REALLY didn't want to go to public school. He wanted me to pack his lunch, but "no notes this year mom, they are embarrassing!"
The next morning, he requested eggs, bacon and sausage for breakfast, of which he only ate 2 pieces of bacon. :-) He told Ian and Emma that he would be gone all day, and that mom was going to pray for him. I'm glad that sunk in.
So we packed up, and headed to school. As we walked into the school, hand in hand, he whispered to me,
"Mooommmm, I really don't want to do this."
"I know baby."
"Mom, remember, we talked about this last night?"
"I know baby. You can do this. I'll be thinking of you all day."
We walked into his classroom, and he put his backpack in his little locker. Then we looked for his assigned seat, and noticed that the little girl next to his desk looked familiar. I told Sam I thought that was Hayley from preschool. He says, "Mom, I know...she's an old, old friend!" It was a little hug from God that morning, providing an "old, old friend" in a class where he thought he knew no one, and making him completely at ease.
So it was a good start to the school year - no hiding under a table in the corner of the classroom like last year, and more tangible evidence of God's provision and presence in Sam's life.
After we dropped Sam off, Scott and I took Ian and Emma to IHOP for our 2nd annual celebratory breakfast. We did this last year when Sam started Kindergarten. The babies had such fun having special time with us (after so much focus on Sam). It won't be much longer til they start kindergarten - whatever will I do then? :-)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Time Well Spent
Yesterday, I was able to spend several hours with my birthdaughter and friend, Addison. She's getting ready to start her JUNIOR YEAR (how in the world did that happen?) of college, and her birthday is around the corner. So we shopped...clothes, school supplies, dinner. I stepped in mud, she ran into a rack of clothes, and we laughed...a lot. Oh, and we found the ever elusive light blue folder with pockets and brads!!! Can I get a witness? :-)
This was hands down my most favorite visit with Addi. She's coming into herself, discovering who God made her to be, and embracing it joyfully. We had wonderful, meaningful conversations about God, church, friendships, life choices...you name it, we talked about it (right Addi, heh heh). I left that night with such a fullness in my heart, and a better sense of what this amazing young woman is all about.
Addi, I do not take our relationship lightly; I know it is a great rarity among birthmoms/daughters. I am grateful for every moment we spend together, perfect or not. And I'm absolutely taken by who you are - a beautiful, precious child of God. I love you! WORD. :-)
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Change of Heart and a New Direction
Over the past several weeks, Scott and I have both felt a sense that God was leading us in a new direction regarding educating our children, yet neither one of us said anything. Scott knew how badly I wanted to homeschool, and I didn't want Scott to think I couldn't handle it. So we just kept heading toward a year of homeschooling. Finally, we had a heart to heart, and have decided to put Sam in public school this year.
Am I disappointed? Oh yeah. Am I at all nervous about this new direction? Yep. But I totally and completely trust the Lord, His leading in our hearts, and His best interests for my family. His heart is toward us. I know that in following the Lord in obedience, and remaining under His authority, His blessings and all that come with it will prevail.
So today, we enrolled Sam in 1st grade at his new school. We bought school supplies (except for the ever elusive light blue pocket folder with brads...lol), picked out a new lunchbox and backpack, and some new socks and tshirts. Oh yeah, and new sneakers. Meet the teacher night is on Wednesday, and a date night for Mommy and Sam on Thursday. And school...that starts on Monday.
Sam goes back and forth between nervousness and excitement. This morning when he woke, Sam told me he'd dreamed that he attended school. He was happy about it. Then later this afternoon, he threw away his new lunchbox because, "I'm not going to school Mommy." And the big heart breaker...."But Mommy, Ian and Emma will get to spend ALL day with you, and I won't."
So this is our plan for this year...this month, this semester. :-) We'll see how it goes. God is good and faithful and He loves us. Oh - and I chose to share this news on my blog to spare me having to make 100 phone calls. Gotta love technology!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
5 things I love about Ian...
In honor of my sweet boy turning 5 years old, I'm posting 5 things I love about Ian Weslee...
1. His tender heart. Ian has always been my sweet, tender hearted boy who is sensitive to others. If someone is sick, sad, or hurting, he is always right there to give hugs and kisses. He seeks out the brokenhearted.
2. His creativity. Ian is my creative one, and most often is found coloring, drawing, painting, or writing stories (in his own special script). He does NOT like to perform in front of others, but does enjoy showing off his creations.
3. His sensitivity to the things of God. When Ian first joined Upward Soccer, he carried his little Bible around everywhere, trying to read it. He said he wanted to know more and more about God. When he prays, he's either awfully silly or incredibly tender.
4. His desire to help. Ian always comes running when I (or anyone else) needs help doing something. He loves to have a clean room, loves helping tidy the house, and always wants to help cook or fold clothes. What a husband he will make one day!
5. His love for his siblings. Ian LOVES his big brother and little sister. Yes, they fight like wild animals, but oh how he loves them. I so enjoy hearing him playing "house" with Emma, and he calls her "dear" just like Scott calls me. They say they love each other and he takes such good care of her. I pray his relationship with them only grows and sweetens.
Ian, you are an amazing blessing to your family. I could list a million things that I love about you! We are so proud of you for being a courageous boy, for working hard at your speech, and for learning to obey mommy & daddy. We are so glad God chose you to be in our family!!! We know that God has great things in store for your giant heart - we will cheer you on each step of the way. We love you sweet one!
1. His tender heart. Ian has always been my sweet, tender hearted boy who is sensitive to others. If someone is sick, sad, or hurting, he is always right there to give hugs and kisses. He seeks out the brokenhearted.
2. His creativity. Ian is my creative one, and most often is found coloring, drawing, painting, or writing stories (in his own special script). He does NOT like to perform in front of others, but does enjoy showing off his creations.
3. His sensitivity to the things of God. When Ian first joined Upward Soccer, he carried his little Bible around everywhere, trying to read it. He said he wanted to know more and more about God. When he prays, he's either awfully silly or incredibly tender.
4. His desire to help. Ian always comes running when I (or anyone else) needs help doing something. He loves to have a clean room, loves helping tidy the house, and always wants to help cook or fold clothes. What a husband he will make one day!
5. His love for his siblings. Ian LOVES his big brother and little sister. Yes, they fight like wild animals, but oh how he loves them. I so enjoy hearing him playing "house" with Emma, and he calls her "dear" just like Scott calls me. They say they love each other and he takes such good care of her. I pray his relationship with them only grows and sweetens.
Ian, you are an amazing blessing to your family. I could list a million things that I love about you! We are so proud of you for being a courageous boy, for working hard at your speech, and for learning to obey mommy & daddy. We are so glad God chose you to be in our family!!! We know that God has great things in store for your giant heart - we will cheer you on each step of the way. We love you sweet one!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ian...through the years
Happy Birthday Ian!
My sweet Ian turned 5 last Sunday! How did that happen? I was just looking through his ABC scrapbook recently and was amazed how quickly the time has passed. I miss his precious curls and cute dimples...but I'm grateful for the boy he's becoming.
We started the day off with a traditional birthday muffin. I'll never forget on Ian's 2nd birthday, he reached out to touch the candle before I could stop him and burned himself. His pictures from that year are not so endearing. :-)
Ian decided he wanted hot dogs, hamburgers, cupcakes and ice cream for his family birthday party. So dad delivered! Scott started the grill in the awful heat, and made yummy burgers and dogs for us. Ian also requested sprinkles on his chocolate cupcakes with vanilla/blue icing, thank you very much! Mimi (my mom) and Uncle Carl (Scott's brother) made it for the party. He was surrounded by family and lots of love!
Decorating his cupcake

He gets so embarassed when we sing to him. I love how he looks to me for support. Sweet!

He loved opening his presents - he was so happy! He kept running around telling everyone, "thank you so much" for the gifts. It fills my heart to see my children so happy! A glimpse of how God must feel as he watches us experience His blessings. Happy Birthday Ian Weslee, you are loved!!!
We started the day off with a traditional birthday muffin. I'll never forget on Ian's 2nd birthday, he reached out to touch the candle before I could stop him and burned himself. His pictures from that year are not so endearing. :-)
Ian decided he wanted hot dogs, hamburgers, cupcakes and ice cream for his family birthday party. So dad delivered! Scott started the grill in the awful heat, and made yummy burgers and dogs for us. Ian also requested sprinkles on his chocolate cupcakes with vanilla/blue icing, thank you very much! Mimi (my mom) and Uncle Carl (Scott's brother) made it for the party. He was surrounded by family and lots of love!
Decorating his cupcake
He gets so embarassed when we sing to him. I love how he looks to me for support. Sweet!
He loved opening his presents - he was so happy! He kept running around telling everyone, "thank you so much" for the gifts. It fills my heart to see my children so happy! A glimpse of how God must feel as he watches us experience His blessings. Happy Birthday Ian Weslee, you are loved!!!
One of Ian's favorite gifts...a Lightning McQueen tent. He's slept in it every night since.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting....
Well, okay, it was really Karate...but what a GREAT song! :-) Sam has been taking karate class all summer, and has loved it! Every week after class, he says he wants to quit because his muscles hurt; but then he always wants to go back the next week. This weekend he participated in his first tournament, and had so much fun. Scott always takes him to his class, so I'd never seen him spar before. It was so exciting to watch, and he was proud when he finished his competition. Here are some pictures from my little kung fu fighter's tournament.
Waiting to compete...
And the sparring begins...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Introducing the newest member of our family....
LILY the puppy!
We are so excited to have this sweet little one join our family! My brother, who told us about the puppy, met Scott and the kids in McKinney to hand her over. Lily is a black lab; her father is papered, but her mom is a mixed lab. She had 7 siblings who were black or chocolate. She is about 7 weeks old and so smart! She already whines when she needs to potty.
The kids brought her home just as I was leaving for Bunko tonight. In her first few minutes at home, she jumped on the trampoline and swam in the pool. We had such fun just watching her eat tonight. She started out sitting at her bowl, and then gave up and just laid in front of her bowl, a paw on each side. So precious! Now she is completely worn out and resting peacefully. Her current resting place is in a crate next to Sam's bed. We'll see....
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Well, I am in a rut and have found little in my life right now that I deem blog worthy. So, in an effort to appease my friends and readers, I will share a few noteworthy quotes from my current reads and from life.
"...an unalterable and unquestioned law of the musical world required that the German text of French operas sung by Swedish artists should be translated into Italian for the clearer understanding of English-speaking audiences." Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence (she is so brilliant!)
"It was one of the great livery- stableman's most masterly intuitions to have discovered that Americans want to get away from amusement even more quickly than they want to get to it." Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence
"In spite of illness, in spite even of the arch-enemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways." Edith Wharton, A Backward Glance (her autobiography)
"Mommy, what rhymes with fart? Oh, I know! Barf! Right mommy? Okay, now, what rhymes with poop?" Sam, during dinner tonight at Chili's (what stimulating conversation with a six year old...)
Have a blessed week!
"...an unalterable and unquestioned law of the musical world required that the German text of French operas sung by Swedish artists should be translated into Italian for the clearer understanding of English-speaking audiences." Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence (she is so brilliant!)
"It was one of the great livery- stableman's most masterly intuitions to have discovered that Americans want to get away from amusement even more quickly than they want to get to it." Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence
"In spite of illness, in spite even of the arch-enemy sorrow, one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways." Edith Wharton, A Backward Glance (her autobiography)
"Mommy, what rhymes with fart? Oh, I know! Barf! Right mommy? Okay, now, what rhymes with poop?" Sam, during dinner tonight at Chili's (what stimulating conversation with a six year old...)
Have a blessed week!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Survey Says...
A tag from a special friend, because I'm experiencing brain overload and need something mindless to do... :-)
5 things I'm diggin' today:
Sam and Ian are in VBS, learning about Jesus.
All the major staff positions for Creative Arts Camp are filled!
I got to take a shower today.
It's raining.
I like the smell of rain.
5 things I'm not diggin' today:
Emma threw a major fit at VBS today, so I had to pick her up.
The woman who was "watching" her at the desk was quite rude.
This greatly hindered my plans for a morning of shopping...alone.
Sometimes life doesn't make sense.
People are fallible.
5 things on my to do list:
Pick up boys from VBS and take all children (inlcluding baby Izzy) to lunch.
Buy birthday gifts for Lana and Tessa.
Make doctor appointment for Emma.
Talk to Rondi Allen about leading Little Crowns.
Catch up on my Bible Study.
5 cars I've had:
Yellow/White GMC pickup
Rust Chevy pickup (yep, I'm a cowgirl...NOT)
White Ford Pinto
Peach Mercury Zephyr (I was so poor)
Gold Dodge Grand Caravan (hey, at least it's not 50 years old)
5 books I love:
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Age of Innoncence - Edith Wharton
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
The Structure of Singing - Richard Miller
My Grandfather's Son - Clarence Thomas
5 memorable moments:
9.9.88 My birthdaughter's birth
11.19.94 Marrying Scott
12.1.01 Sam's birth
7.27.03 Ian's birth
8.26.04 Emma's birth
Tag, you're it!
5 things I'm diggin' today:
Sam and Ian are in VBS, learning about Jesus.
All the major staff positions for Creative Arts Camp are filled!
I got to take a shower today.
It's raining.
I like the smell of rain.
5 things I'm not diggin' today:
Emma threw a major fit at VBS today, so I had to pick her up.
The woman who was "watching" her at the desk was quite rude.
This greatly hindered my plans for a morning of shopping...alone.
Sometimes life doesn't make sense.
People are fallible.
5 things on my to do list:
Pick up boys from VBS and take all children (inlcluding baby Izzy) to lunch.
Buy birthday gifts for Lana and Tessa.
Make doctor appointment for Emma.
Talk to Rondi Allen about leading Little Crowns.
Catch up on my Bible Study.
5 cars I've had:
Yellow/White GMC pickup
Rust Chevy pickup (yep, I'm a cowgirl...NOT)
White Ford Pinto
Peach Mercury Zephyr (I was so poor)
Gold Dodge Grand Caravan (hey, at least it's not 50 years old)
5 books I love:
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Age of Innoncence - Edith Wharton
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
The Structure of Singing - Richard Miller
My Grandfather's Son - Clarence Thomas
5 memorable moments:
9.9.88 My birthdaughter's birth
11.19.94 Marrying Scott
12.1.01 Sam's birth
7.27.03 Ian's birth
8.26.04 Emma's birth
Tag, you're it!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Prayer Request
My birthdaughter, Addison, was recently diagnosed with a heart condition called Supraventricular Tachycardia. Addi is having heart surgery (which could be up to 12 hours long) on Tuesday, June 17th to hopefully correct this. I'll be driving up on the 16th to be with her and her mom, coming back on the 18th.
Please pray for Addi, that God would pour His peace on her as she prepares to have this surgery. Also pray for her family (and me) as they minister healing to her after the surgery. And of course, pray the surgery goes well and is successful in every way.
Thank you for covering Addi and her family in prayer. You are loved and appreciated!
Please pray for Addi, that God would pour His peace on her as she prepares to have this surgery. Also pray for her family (and me) as they minister healing to her after the surgery. And of course, pray the surgery goes well and is successful in every way.
Thank you for covering Addi and her family in prayer. You are loved and appreciated!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Here are a few pictures from our trip. We stayed at the Waterscape Condos on Okaloosa Island. This is the first year they were open, and everything was so clean and new, and definitely the nicest we've ever stayed at! Scott and I laughed because we are certain we were the first to use the appliances in our condo. Our balcony looked right out to the ocean and pier in the distance. So beautiful!
This resort had a huge waterpark area in the middle for kids. Lazy River, splash toys, pirate ship slide, waterfalls and deeper areas for the older kids. We were also steps from the beach, so you could decide to go for a dip in the pool, then walk right back out to the beach. The sand was sugary white and so soft. The water was absolutely gorgeous, varying from caribbean greens to crystal blues.
It was harder to get pictures of our family this year, because we were alone and Scott always had to scurry to get his spot before the camera went off. The memories made were amazing. I'm so thankful we are able to take trips like this!
This resort had a huge waterpark area in the middle for kids. Lazy River, splash toys, pirate ship slide, waterfalls and deeper areas for the older kids. We were also steps from the beach, so you could decide to go for a dip in the pool, then walk right back out to the beach. The sand was sugary white and so soft. The water was absolutely gorgeous, varying from caribbean greens to crystal blues.
It was harder to get pictures of our family this year, because we were alone and Scott always had to scurry to get his spot before the camera went off. The memories made were amazing. I'm so thankful we are able to take trips like this!

Creative Tag
So I got this idea from a friend of a friend of a friend. This is such a creative way to tell people a little about yourself. You have to find the pictures for your answers through google or in your own collection. Be sure to let me know if you decide to play along!
My age on my next birthday:

My first job:

A goal for next year:

My favorite color:

and for those who don't know who she is, another image of my favorite color:

Where I live:

My nickname growing up: (plus "ie")

My major in college:

Place I'd like to visit:

A favorite thing:

My favorite food:

A favorite place:

My pet's name: (minus the gene)
My age on my next birthday:

My first job:

A goal for next year:

My favorite color:

and for those who don't know who she is, another image of my favorite color:

Where I live:

My nickname growing up: (plus "ie")

My major in college:

Place I'd like to visit:

A favorite thing:

My favorite food:

A favorite place:

My pet's name: (minus the gene)

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